Workshops & Shows
We have interactive workshops and shows for all ages and levels of English, including for teachers, so we are sure you will find the right one to suit your students.
Daytime workshops
Evening shows
Performed in the evening or during the day with an audience. With added entertainment, our evening shows have the same benefits for students as our daytime workshops but are in front of their families as an audience. This can illustrate how well your pupils have progressed in English and is fun for all, as well as an excellent PR opportunity for your college.
Our fantastic workshops & shows
Secondary Education
Available as a Workshop or Evening Show, Little Victorians is ideal for 1st year students.
Daytime workshop
Little Victorians is one of our extremely popular workshops focusing on the period during which Britain was reigned by Queen Victoria (1837-1901). It is a historically based workshop where students will be asked to act out the roles of poor children who lived throughout the industrial revolution. English literature threads its way through Little Victorians. Scenes are inspired by the literary works of Charles Dickens, Charles Kingsley and other Victorian writers, with actual accounts from real Victorian children living during this period also included.
Evening show
As with the Little Victorians workshop, literary works of renowned Victorian writers as well as real accounts from Victorian children inspires this evening show performance. Before your eyes, students are briefed by our professional actors, before taking the stage where they will transform into actors and perform the play, depicting the life and times of poor Victorian children.
Primary Education

This workshop provides an introduction to English which is fun, educational, and totally interactive, whilst building confidence in listening and speaking in younger students.
Everyone Smiles in the same Language!